Friday, 28 February 2025

Short cruise to Hilmorton trip

The weather was dry but foggy when we got up in the morning after a very cold night.  Before we could set off there were a number of jobs to be done.  The water tank was filled up  having been kept low during the winter whilst there was chance of a long cold spell. Then the boat had to be disconnected from the shore mains supply and switched over to batteries.  The fire had gone out overnight so it had to be relit.

But by 10:40 the fog was disapearing and we were ready to move. An uneventful journey took us a short distance before Hilmorton Locks arriving soon after mid-day.  AFder lunch onboard we walked to the locks but decided not to cruise any further today since we have plenty of time.

3.86 miles
1.5 hours 

Thursday, 27 February 2025

Back on board again!!

 After a gap of about 6 months because of illness we are now on our travels again. Just a few days to test our new stove and to check the boat is fully workig after a air amunt of work has been done on her

Evening view of Densie moored in marina

So far so good.  The central heating started at the first attempt and the cabin has warmed up..  The fridge quickly reached operating temperature and is now keeping our wine and beers ready for drinking. Having turned on the gas the cooker is now working. 

We  spent the afternoon shopping for provisions for the next 5 days. On our our return to the boat I followed the instructions for lighting our new solid fuel stove and within a few minutes it had gone out. Tried again with much the same result.  So I ignored the instructions and successfully lit the stove using the same procedure that I used for many years on the old one.

In the morning we plan to start the cruise from the marina to Rugby.