Sunday 29 April 2018

Nearly home - moored at Stone

The final leg on our cruise apart from a 30min journey tomorrow.  The weather was dry but cold and windy when we set off from the Wedgwood works at 9:55. There followed an uneventful cruise to the 4 Meaford locks which descend towards Stone.

However we arrived at the 3rd lock to find that the subsequent pound (stretch of canal between 2 locks) was completely drained.  A boat coming up the locks had tried to empty lock 4 prior to entering but had failed to notice that the top gates had been left open.  This took about 40 minutes to sort out as we had to flush water through from the upper pounds to refill the canal sufficiently for boats to travel through without grounding.

The problem fixe,d we moved on to Stone and were very pleased to find that the moorings were empty - the first time we have ever seen this.

4 miles, 8 locks 3hrs 25 mins.

As tomorrow is a minimal journey there will be no further blogs until we start on our big summer cruise later in May.

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