Sunday 25 August 2024


 This evening we are moored near the small Leicestershire village of Yelvertoft after  a pleasant cruise along a meandering and interesting course through woods and isolated countryside.

On  the Watford staircase

Looking down the Watford Locks

Top of the Watford Locks

Typical canal scenary near Crick

We set off at 9:20  and passed alongside Watford Gap Services to reach the bottom of the 7 lock Watford flight  and joined a queue of 7 boats waiting to go up. After an hour's wait it was our turn to enter the bottom lock and aided by the lock keepers we quickly reached the top.

1.5 miles beyond the locks we arrived at the entrance to the 1500 foot Crick Tunnel and then travelled on to the outskirts of the large village of Crick where we stopped to do some shopping.

After lunch on the boat we cruised on for a further hour to moor up near Yelvertoft.

Journey statistics

6.22 miles, 7 locks, 4 hours 35 mins

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