Monday 27 May 2024

Down to Cropredy

Elkington Lock

Moored at Cropredy

The weather was bright and sunny though with a cold breeze when we set off down the 5 Claydon locks at 9:40.  All went smoothly with help from a couple of volunteers.  These were followed by 3 isolated locks.  At the last of these,  Broadmoor Lock, there were 2 boats ahead of us waiting to descend.  One of the paddles was out of use so the lock was taking ages to refill.  

An hour later later we were on our way again  stopping for the day at lunch time in Cropredy, an attractive canal side village with a pub serving excellent food, well it did when we were here last year which we will visit this evening.

Today's Journey 

2.7 miles. 8 locks, 3 hours  

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