Saturday 25 May 2024

Napton Locks


Waiting to enter Napton Bottom Lock

View from Napton Bottom Lock

Entering Lock 12

Bridge 122 near Prior's Hardwick

We set off this morning in bright and sunny weather reaching the bottom of 7-locthe k Napton flight half an hour later.  Here as at several other locks we had to wait for boats coming down the flight. Fortunately there were volunteer lock keepers stationed here which minimised delays.

The flight then took us up into the surrounding attractive hilly countryside with views across the pastureland full of buttercups and herds of sheep and cows. We stopped for lunch a mile before the final 2 locks at Marston Doles, a tiny settlement where the horses which towed the working boats were stabled.

In the afternoon we continued 2-3 miles further on and moored out in the countryside.

Today's Journey

5.7 mikes, 9 locks, 4 hours 40 minutes

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