Sunday 26 May 2024

No rain on the journey to Claydon Locks


Passing HS2 construction site

Woods near Fenny Conpton

Attractive Bridge

Lift Bridge near  Claydon Locks

There was heavy rain overnight and the weather forecast was for more during the day.  So we had resigned ourselves to staying where we were until tomorrow. However by 10am there was no rain to be seen so we continued on our journey.

The first break from the ongoing fields and low hills occured when we crossed the HS2 construction site.  From there the canal passes through Fenny Compton, the first village since Napton.  There were heavy black clouds in the sky but somehow the winding canal avoided them all.  The route south from Fenny Compton is of more interest as the canal goes through a wooded cutting where the former tunnel was opened up in 1868.

After Fenny Compton "Tunnel" the frequently wooded canal continues until it reaches the top of Claydon locks from where it is all downhill to Oxford, the Thames and London.  The photograph shows the first of the many lift bridges for which the Oxford Canal used to be notorious because of the effort to operate them.  Fortunately most, such as this one, are now left permanently open.

Todays Journey

8.7 miles, 0 locks, 3 hours 45 mins

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